Helpful Hints for Design/Technology Portfolios
If you do not have a formal design portfolio, include any materials that you feel reflect your sense of artistry and your interest in theatrical design--sketches, drawings, paintings, photographs, prompt book excerpts and accompanying paperwork, technical drawings, etc. Your digital portfolio can take the form of a website, slideshow presentation, or other digital file. Make sure that your files do not require specialized software to open.
Plan out your presentation in an organized manner:
You do not need everything you have ever done in your portfolio, just your best work. This may be many things or just two or three things.
Show process shots--the final product is often less important than your growth through the process of getting there. Make images as large as possible so that we can see detail.
Keep your portfolio streamlined--it should be clean, clear, and concise. Neatness shows a respect for your work, your work environment and your fellow workers.
Presentation and organization: This refers to the layout of the project. Does it have a beginning, middle, and end? Are there transitions between projects? Are there organizational charts and paper work that help describe the scope of the project? Your portfolio showcases your process, resourcefulness, and artistry.
Make sure images/objects are labeled neatly, consistently, and clearly:
Name of production and your contribution are essential. From there, you can add other designers, name of producing organization, year, and other information, if appropriate. Do not let your labels overtake your images or drawings.
Clearly indicate your work and others' work. Give credit to the appropriate person. For example, do not claim a design as solely your own if you functioned as the assistant designer.
Labeling and keys are extremely important tools that will help describe your work even when you are not in the room. Let your portfolio present itself.
Never apologize or make excuses for your work or the condition of your portfolio.
Proofread your portfolio and resume carefully before submitting.
Do not feel the need to limit your portfolio to theatrically produced work. We would like to see the way you think creatively. Examples of drawing, sculpture, photography, digital art, and theoretical projects are highly encouraged.
Never be ashamed of having limited experience or only a few credits on your resume. You are at the beginning of your career. That is expected.