Theatre Courses
1101 Fundamentals of Voice and Movement I
Co-requisite(s): THEA 1301.
An introduction to the fundamentals of voice and movement for the actor with emphasis on freeing the natural voice and developing awareness of the voice and body as creative, expressive instruments. This course supports the work done in acting core courses.
1102 Fundamentals of Voice and Movement II
Co-requisite(s): THEA 1302.
A continuation of THEA 1101 with emphasis on the fundamentals of voice and movement for the actor, freeing the natural voice, and developing awareness of the voice and body as creative and expressive instruments.
1103 Freshman Voice for Traditional Musical Theatre
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Acting technique and character development, in conjunction with vocal technique, as they relate to traditional musical theatre styles, in chorus roles with repertoire before 1965. Fee: $75
1104 Freshman Voice for Contemporary Musical Theatre
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Acting technique and character development, in conjunction with vocal technique, as they relate to contemporary musical theatre styles, in chorus roles with repertoire after 1965. Fee: $75
1110 The Fine Arts: An Experiential Survey of Music, Art, Theatre, and Film
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Fine Arts Living Learning Center.
An exploration of four Fine Arts disciplines (film, art, theatre, and music) from an interdisciplinary perspective, with emphasis on specific performances and exhibitions, and a small group focus on new student experiences.
1206 Theater Appreciation
Applicable toward fine arts-humanities requirements for Bachelor of Arts degree. Basic elements of theater: acting, design (costume, lighting, scene), directing, and dramatic literature. Fee: $55
1301 Acting Realism: A Practical Approach
Co-requisite(s): THEA 1101.
Introduction to the basics of acting, including theatrical terminology, improvisation, scene study, and character analysis. Emphasis will be placed on an acting method based on the works of Constantin Stanislavski. Fee: $75
1302 Acting Realism: Scene Study
Co-requisite(s): THEA 1102.
An introduction to basic acting technique. Students employ the character analysis, basic object exercises, and other acting tools toward producing a character study based on a modern American play. Fee: $75
1312 Scenic Elements
Basic course in stagecraft. Technical crew lab included. Fee: $75
1314 Acting for Non-Majors
Physical and vocal exercises, improvisational activities and games, relaxation, rehearsal and performance of theatrical dialogue and monologues, and short written assignments. Does not count on basic fine arts requirement for B.A. degree. Fee: $75
1316 Costume and Stage Makeup Elements
Study and application of the theories and techniques of theatrical costuming, construction of theatrical clothing, and theatrical makeup. Technical crew lab included. Fee: $150
1380 Introduction of Theatre Aesthetics
An introduction to basic theatre aesthetics. Emphasis placed on elements and principles of design for visual storytelling.
1383 Theatrical Drafting
Introduction to theatrical hand drafting techniques, tools and standards, including fundamentals of graphic problem solving by visualization of elements in three-dimensional space. Fee: $75
2101 Applied Voice and Movement I
Co-requisite(s): THEA 2301.
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1102.
Continuation of the work begun in THEA 1101 and 1102 with emphasis on movement for the stage as it applies to realistic acting, as well as interpretive, post-modern theatre making.
2102 Applied Voice and Movement II
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2101.
Continuation of the work begun in THEA 2101 with emphasis on movement for the stage as it applies to realistic acting, as well as interpretive, post-modern theatre making.
2103 Sophomore Voice for Traditional Musical Theatre
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Acting technique and character development, in conjunction with vocal technique, as they relate to traditional musical theatre styles, in small group/ensemble roles with repertoire before 1965. Fee: $75
2104 Sophomore Voice for Contemporary Musical Theatre
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Acting technique and character development, in conjunction with vocal technique, as they relate to contemporary musical theatre styles, in small group/ensemble roles with repertoire after 1965. Fee: $75
2113 Workshop in Traditional Musical Theatre I
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Application of techniques and skills learned in the voice class in a performance setting using materials from traditional musical theatre styles pre-1965. Fee: $75
2114 Workshop in Contemporary Musical Theatre I
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Application of techniques and skills learned in the voice class in a performance setting using materials from contemporary musical theatre styles from 1965 to the present. Fee: $75
2298 Ballet I
Ballet with emphasis on technique and vocabulary. Theatre Arts majors may substitute this class for one semester of Human Performance.
2299 Jazz I
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2298.
Jazz techniques, vocabulary, and styles relevant to character/theatre dance. Theatre Arts majors may substitute this class for one semester of Human Performance.
2301 Auditioning and the Business of Acting
Co-requisite(s): THEA 2101.
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1302.
An introduction to the business side of theatre and the various types of theatrical auditions, including cold readings, prepared monologues, improvisation, music and dance auditions. Fee: $75
2302 Acting: Shakespeare
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1302.
Exploration of the acting challenges of Shakespeare’s plays, through studies of text sense and structure, and exercises for developing breath, relaxation, vocal energy, and creative acting choices. Fee: $75
2316 Stage Makeup
Study and application of theories and techniques of theatrical makeup. Technical crew laboratory included. Fee: $85
2370 Technology Fundamentals for Theatre
Introduction to essential software and technologies utilized in the creation of a live theatrical production. Fee: $75
2371 Lighting and Sound Elements
General principles and practices of stage lighting and theatrical sound technology. Technical crew laboratory included. Fee: $75
2374 Theater History I
Historical investigation of theatre practice, performance, and dramatic literature from ancient times through the Renaissance.
2375 Theater History II
Historical investigation of theatre practice, performance, and dramatic literature from the Renaissance through the nineteenth century. Emphasis on Europe and North America.
2383 Theatrical Drawing and Rendering
Principles and practices of drawing, rendering, and modeling techniques used for the theater. Fee: $75
2385 Technical Theatre for Non-Theatre Majors
Prerequisite(s): Consent of the Instructor
An introductory study of the tools, techniques, and concepts related to the technical aspects of theatre production. Fee: $75
2390 Stage Management
The art and craft of stage management, including the role and responsibilities of the stage manager. Fee: $75
3001 Production Lab
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
Evaluation of acting and crew work for all major productions, thesis production, qualifying productions, and weekly workshops. May be taken a maximum of 3 times.
3103 Junior Voice for Traditional Musical Theatre
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Acting technique and character development, in conjunction with vocal technique, as they relate to traditional musical theatre styles, in solo limited supporting roles with repertoire before 1965. Fee: $75
3104 Junior Voice for Contemporary Musical Theatre
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Acting technique and character development, in conjunction with vocal technique, as they relate to contemporary musical theatre styles, in solo limited supporting roles with repertoire after 1965. Fee: $75
3106 Production Lab II
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and THEA 3105.
Continuation of THEA 3105.
3113 Workshop in Traditional Musical Theatre II
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2113 and consent of instructor.
A continuation of THEA 2113. Fee: $75
3114 Workshop in Contemporary Musical Theatre II
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2114 and consent of instructor.
A continuation of THEA 2114. Fee: $75
3297 Tap I
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2298.
Tap with an emphasis on the basic steps, rhythms, and music theory related to the dance.
3298 Ballet II
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2298.
A continuation of Ballet I, refining technique and developing broader ranges of movement.
3301 Acting: Advanced Realism
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2302 and consent of instructor.
Correlating advanced acting techniques and the performance requirements of important realistic playwrights. Students will analyze, rehearse and perform scenes from playwrights of the early independent theater movement and from a range of contemporary playwrights. Fee: $75
3302 Acting: Period Styles
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1301, 1302, 2301, 2302 and consent of instructor.
An application of Stanislavski’s periods of preparation to a range of historic works. Scenes and monologues may draw from a variety of periods including Greek, Medieval, Elizabethan, Restoration, and Romantic plays. Fee: $75
3303 Theatre for Young Audiences
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1302 and upper-level standing.
An applied study of the dramatic literature and production techniques of theater intended for young audiences. Emphasis will be on techniques of acting and the creation of new material. Fee: $75
3304 Acting: Playwright Study
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
The application of advanced acting techniques to the unique style and period conventions of an individual playwright. May be repeated once for credit with study of a different playwright(s). Fee: $75
3316 Advanced Costume Construction Techniques
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1316.
Technical skills with emphasis on interpreting two-dimensional drawings into three-dimensional costumes. May be repeated once for credit with different content. Fee: $75
3323 Costume Crafts
Pre-requisite(s): THEA 1316 or consent of the instructor.
Technical skills with an emphasis on 2D and 3D techniques in creating and modifying specialty costume pieces. Fee: $75
3324 Directing I/Script Analysis
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1301 and upper-level standing.
A study of play analysis for beginning directors. Workshop laboratory required. Fee: $75
3325 Directing II
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3324.
Continuation of THEA 3324. A study of techniques of play direction. Fundamental consideration of blocking and director-actor communication. Workshop laboratory required. Fee: $75
3326 Costume Design
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1316.
Development and execution of costume designs for a variety of theatrical situations. Lectures, design projects, critiques, and discussions. Fee: $75
3327 Advanced Makeup Techniques
Pre-requisite(s): THEA 1316.
This course builds on introductory skills learned in THEA 1316 (Costume and Makeup Elements). Students will study advanced application skills and tools for character transformation with makeup, masks, and 3D elements. Fee: $75
3333 Theatre in Cultural Context
Prerequisite(s): For theatre majors only or consent of instructor.
An exploration of theatre production and theatrical history particular to a specific region of the world, with references to regional historical, political, social, cultural, artistic, and architectural influences. Course may be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours if topic varies.
3341 Master Works in Drama (Cross-listed as GTX 3341)
See GTX 3341 for course information.
3352 Japanese Theatre and Culture (Cross-listed as JPN 3352)
History and practice of theatre in Japan from earliest recorded history to the present era.
3363 Metal-Working for the Theatre
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1312.
Prepares students for various aspects of metalworking for the theatre, including safety, welding, cutting, and shaping. Fee: $75
3370 Scene Design
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1312
Survey of theatrical design and scene designers, and the realization of students’ designs as floor plans, renderings, and models. Fee: $75
3371 Lighting Design
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2371
Lighting design in theatrical production and as an artistic tool in manipulating three-dimensional space. Fee: $75
3372 Scene Painting
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1312; upper-level standing.
Introduction to large-scale painting. Students execute texture techniques. Fee: $75
3380 Sound Design (Cross-listed as FDM 3380)
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2371 or FDM 2360.
The creation and implementation of sound design for theatre; also applicable to film, music production, video games, and live events. Includes the artistic process of design and the development of technical abilities and conceptual approaches to sound manipulation. Fee: $75
3383 Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1383.
Computer aided drafting to incorporate many of the principals covered in THEA 1383 (hand drafting for the theater). Utilize both the vector based Vector works software and the floating point algorithm based AutoCAD software. Fee: $75
3390 Marketing for the Performing Arts
Audience development principles and marketing techniques for both commercial and non-profit arts organizations. Emphasis on live theatre. Technical crew lab included.
3398 Theatrical Props: Construction and Management
Pre-requisite(s): THEA 1312 and consent of instructor.
Practical study of the design, construction, organization, and implementation of theatrical properties in production. Fee: $75
4102 Theatre in the Professional World
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and consent of instructor.
Prepares majors for the transition from academia to the professional arena. Fee: $75
4103 Senior Voice for Traditional Musical Theatre
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Acting technique and character development, in conjunction with vocal technique, as they relate to traditional musical theatre styles, in solo leading roles with repertoire before 1965. Fee: $75
4104 Senior Voice for Contemporary Musical Theatre
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Acting technique and character development, in conjunction with vocal technique, as they relate to contemporary musical theatre styles, in solo leading roles with repertoire after 1965. Fee: $75
4107 Production Lab III
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and THEA 3106.
Evaluation of acting and crew work for all major productions, thesis production, qualifying productions, and weekly workshops.
4108 Production Lab IV
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and THEA 3106.
A continuation of production methods learned in THEA 3106.
4113 Workshop in Traditional Musical Theatre III
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3113 and consent of instructor.
A continuation of THEA 3113. Fee: $75
4114 Workshop in Contemporary Musical Theatre III
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3114 and consent of instructor.
A continuation of THEA 3114. Fee: $75
4190 Portfolio Development
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Development of design portfolios and presentation skills needed for professional employment in theatrical design.
4297 Jazz II
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2298 and 2299.
Continuation of Jazz I, refining technique and exploring different styles of jazz and character dance.
4298 Tap II
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3297.
Continuation of Tap I, refining technique and exploring advanced rhythms and steps.
4301 Acting for the Camera
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1301, 2101, 2301, 2302, 3301, and 3302.
Preparation for professional performance in television and film. Fee: $75
4321 History of Costume
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
A study of dress from Egyptian times to the twentieth century.
4322 History of Decor in the Western World
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing.
Major historical movements and periods in architecture and decorative arts in the West, with special attention to how these trends relate to theatrical design.
4326 Advanced Costume Design
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3326.
Advanced principles and practices of costume design, with an emphasis on the design team/ director collaboration. Fee: $75
4335 Creative Dramatics
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Education, theory, and philosophy that will cultivate the techniques of creative dramatics and develop the skills needed for human interaction in dramatic play. Lab required.
4351 Automated Lighting
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2371.
Design techniques and the programming of automated lighting fixtures on various lighting consoles. Fee: $75
4365 Advanced Directing I
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3324 and 3325.
Directing techniques for departures from realism, with an emphasis on postmodern theatre, musical theatre, and verse drama. Workshop required. Fee: $150
4366 Advanced Directing II
Prerequisite(s): THEA 4365.
Continuation of THEA 4365. Workshop required. Fee: $150
4370 Advanced Scene Design
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3370; and upper level standing.
Development and execution of scenic designs for a variety of theatrical situations. Lectures, design projects, critiques and discussions. Fee: $75
4371 Advanced Lighting Design
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3371.
Developing and executing lighting designs for a variety of situations. Lectures, design projects, cue composition, and critique and discussion. Fee: $75
4373 Playwriting
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3324.
A study of the art and craft of playwriting with an emphasis on play structure, development of the personal voice, use of dramatic irony, and character development. Fee: $75
4376 Theater History III
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2374 and 2375; and upper-level standing.
Historical investigation of theatre practice, performance, and dramatic literature from the early twentieth century to the present.
4377 The Theatre and Christianity
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
An exploration of biblical perspectives concerning creativity and the arts with a special emphasis on theatre and the performing arts.
4378 Dramaturgy: Theory and Practice
Prerequisite(s): THEA 4376 and consent of instructor.
Investigation of the functions and methods of the dramaturg such as choosing a season, audience enrichment, new play development, researching production history, and understanding dramatic structure and theory.
4379 Advanced Studies in Contemporary Theatre and Drama
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2374, 2375, and 4378.
Topics related to leading contemporary playwrights, current issues of dramatic style, and emerging trends in theatrical practice. May be repeated once for credit with different content.
4380 Performing Arts Management
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing.
Organizational structure, fundraising techniques, and board development for non-profit professional and commercial performing arts organizations. Includes contracting with professional unions, budgeting, and season planning. Technical crew lab included.
4384 Advanced Sound Design (Cross-listed as FDM 4371)
Prerequisite(s): THEA 3380/FDM 3380.
A continuation of THEA 3380/FDM 3380. This course builds upon the sound design skills gained previously and adds training in the advanced functions of industry standard software. Students will develop a personal design style, a discerning ear for quality audio, and in-depth knowledge of the production process. Intended for theatre designers, this course is also applicable to film, music production, video games, and live events. Fee: $75
4390 Advanced Stage Management
Prerequisite(s): THEA 2390.
Role and responsibilities of the stage manager using the Regional Theatre or LORT Stage Manager model. Explores budgeting, seasonal planning and responsibilities in touring and non-theatrical situations. Fee: $75
4395 Stage Combat
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing and consent of instructor.
Actor movement in stage combat (armed and unarmed) with emphasis on proper technique, safety, and theatricality. May be repeated once for credit with different contents. Fee: $75
4398 Technical Direction for Theater
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1312, 1316, 1383, and 2371.
Four basic areas of technical direction: creating technical drawings, estimating a set, choosing materials used in the theater, and scheduling the building of sets for the theater. This course may be repeated once with a different topic. Fee: $75
4V85 Special Topics in Technical Theater for Non-Majors 1 to 3 sem. hrs.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Students will explore practical issues of technical theater through application in departmental productions. Course may be repeated once for credit. Fee: $75
4V99 Special Studies in Theater Arts for Majors 1 to 3 sem. hrs.
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and consent of instructor.
Advanced studies in special theater topics. May be repeated for up to six hours credit.
4VC5 Production Capstone 1 to 3 sem. hrs.
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and consent of instructor.
Advanced practicum in production performance design technical theater or management. May be repeated with different topic not to exceed six credit hours. Fee: $75